Welcome! If you got here looking for TimeLinesshow.com you are in the right place. Solo Ghost Hunter is the new TimeLines website. I am still a solo; just thought the old website needed a reset. So here it is. I have added some new content in the form of new videos and a new page - WORDS & PICS.
This website will be primarily the only source where I will share my solo ghost hunting experiences. You can also find some of my videos on VidiSpace.com. My first official solo exploration happened on board the battleship USS North Carolina back on May 6, 2013. The last place I soloed was a little haunted house in north Texas on Easter Sunday 2019. I decided to take 2020 off from soloing to concentrate on researching and writing my second book and analyzing over one hundred hours of video and audio from my 2018-2019 season. I am also working on two non-paranormal film projects.
I have had the great pleasure and privilege of meeting, working, talking to, and collaborating with some of the most amazing and equally curious and talented paranormal investigators and fellow ghost hunters.
I have also been extraordinarily lucky to experience truly unforgettable paranormal phenomena. Occasionally I get it on video or audio.
2021 is shaping up to be an awesome solo ghost hunting year! I will be traveling through the midwest and north to some iconic haunted locations. I will continue to post videos and writings as time allows. As always, thank you for visiting and your continued interest and support!
Patrick Henry Orozco
August 2020.
Waverly Hills Sanatorium, USS North Carolina, Fort Mifflin, Bobby Mackey's Music World, Yorktown Community Hospital, West Virginia Penitentiary, Presidio La Bahia, Old Yoakum Hospital, Haunted Hill House, Malvern Manor, Villisca Ax Murder House, Sallie House, Olde Park Hotel, Whispering Cottage, Black Swan Inn, Old Lavaca County Jail, Undisclosed Texas.