Here is a video about my first two senosry deprivation experiements at Yoakum Community Hospital. Watch till the end for an unusual visual anomaly. (You will not be able to see the anomaly on your phone.)
This is the intro to the first video in my new series. Gives you an idea if you want to see the full video.
This is a sneak peak of what's coming up on
Here's another preview of more videos coming to
Here is an extraordinarily unusual visual anomaly recorded on my static video camera at Bobby Mackey's. Please don't try to watch this on your phone. The footage is very grainy and looks best in true HD!
This "ghost" appears to be having a bad day.
This audio anomaly was recorded in one of the casemates. What makes this one notable is that it is in Spanish.
In this interview I talk about solo ghost hunting and my new book. Jim Harold is one of the best in this field.
Here is a link to where you can purchase my first book. If this link doesn't work just search for Patrick Henry Orozco at in books.
This is a visual anomaly I recorded on my video camera at Waverly Hills. The object is traveling at about 50 miles per hour. Hard to say exactly what this is.
Here is a small visual anomaly from West Virginia State Penitentiary that moves in a highly erratic way.
Poltergeist or angry spirit? This was after being alone in Yoakum Hospital about 7 hours. No one else was in the structure at any time I was there.
Here is my second appearance on the Jim Harold Podcast where we talk extensively about the process of being a solo ghost hunter.
Here is a video interview where I explain hauntings, the paranormal and solo ghost hunting with Marilyn Shannon from the Breaking Free Show.
Here is an awesome conversation with Marlene Pardo about all things paranormal and the experience of ghost hunting.
Here is my second appearance on Paranormal UK Radio where I talk about physical contact with unseen forces and how some locations can really mess with your head!
Here is my first podcast interview across the Pond with Irene Allen and Mark Johnson from Paranormal UK Radio and the Paranormal Radio App.
This is a short clip from my solo on board the USS North Carolina from my series "TimeLines". I will be posting the links to the full videos here soon!!
Here is the intro for my favorite video in my "TimeLines" series. It is an homage to the amazing documentarian Ken Burns.
Here is a fun short overly dramatic trailer for my new "Solo"series that will be showcased here and on!
Here are some interesting audio anomalies (EVPs) I recorded at Yoakum Community Hospital.

In this video series, I continue my solo explorations into Texas and the Mid-West. I solo ghost hunt iconic haunted locations including Haunted Hill House, Olde Park Hotel, The Villisca Ax Murder House, Yoakum Community Hospital, Malvern Manor, The Sallie House, The Whispering Cottage and an undisclosed haunted house somewhere in Texas! Keep checking back as I periodically add new videos to the lineup!

Here is my first video in 2 years. This is my solo exploration of the Villisca Ax Murder House and the infamous Sallie House in Atchinson, Kansas! Approximately 35 mins.
I had the amazing opportunity to be the first to solo the old haunted Yoakum Community Hospital back in 2017 and what a night it turned out to be! My second encounter with a very active noisy entity!! Approximately 37 mins.

In this series of short videos, I present the best audio anomalies I captured on audio recorders and cameras. There are some truly amazing "A" class EVPs here that will give you the creeps (in a good way!) Always fascinating to hear these voices. Videos are approximately 4-8 minutes in length.
NEW VIDEO Very short video highlighting a few EVPs I captured at Waverly Hills in July 2012.
NEW VIDEO I don't always go solo. Here I return to Yorktown Hospital with friends to explore the "EVP" hospital!!
NEW VIDEO Join me and my friends as we capture intelligent responses to our questions at the Black Swan!

The most haunted nightclub in America was super active the night I soloed in 2013!
The "EVP Hospital" pays off with some of the best "A" class EVPs I've ever captured!
Here are the best EVPs I captured when I soloed Fort Mifflin in Philly!
Awesome audio anomalies captured at the old penitentiary in May 2013!
The Battleship was quiet but I captured some awsome EVPs on my solo ghost hunt.

TimeLines is a 6 part video series I produced from 2012-2014. It is also the title of my first book about this series and my solo ghost hunting explorations of some of America's most iconic haunted locations. I wanted to show how a ghost hunt typically unfolds and to explore possible similarities in quantum physics theory in a fun non-scientific way. TimeLines was showcased on where it became a notable and appreciated fan favorite.
The USS North Carolina (BB-55) is a battleship allegedely haunted by the sailors who perished onboard during World War II. I soloed it on May 6-7, 2013.
Waverly Hills Sanatorium is an abandoned Tuberculosis Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. Over 8000 patients died there during the pandemic in the early 1900s.
Bobby Mackey's Music World is a honky tonk in Wilder, Kentucky. It has become known for allegeded poltergeist activity. I soloed on May 12, 2013.
The Penitentiary spans over 4 city blocks. As with all older prisons it became known as one of the most violent in the late 20th century. I soloed it May 16, 2013.
It has become known as the "EVP Hospital" because of the amount of audio anomalies that have been recorded by paranormal teams. I captured amazing quality EVPs the night I soloed in July 2013.
The fort was constructed shortly before the Revolutionary War and also served as a prison during the Civil War. I soloed the fort on May 9-10, 2013.

Here is a hodgepodge of podcasts, interviews, miscellaneous videos, and a link to my first book.
NEW VIDEO This is a short 3 minute history of Waverly Hills Sanatorium.